Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kilmainham Gaol

Kilmainham Gaol is a former prison located in Dublin, which is now a museum.  Kilmainham Gaol played an important part in Irish history, as many leaders of Irish rebellions were imprisoned and some executed in the prison by the British and latterly in 1923 by the Irish Free State.

The inscription on the wall says:
"Beware The Risen People,
that have harried and held, ye that have eviled and bribed."

This inscription was written by the IRA prisoners. 

The view of the main part of the prison.


This is the exact spot where members of the IRA, who started the Easter Rising to make Ireland a free state, were executed. 

There hasn't been a single place in all of Ireland where I felt like I connected to anything historical, until I saw this. Because of those brave men, Ireland is now a free state. 

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